Thank you for coming today. We're still reviewing the details of the ruling from the Court of Appeals, but it's clear that it reverses and significantly narrows the District Court's decision. 我们仍在仔细研究联邦上诉法院判决的细节,但很清楚,这份判决推翻并在很大程度上缩小了联邦地区法院的判决。
Then, it is very clear who I am on the court. 就这样,在篮球场上的我的样子,描述的就比较清晰了。
But Russia made clear it would defend itself in the court, which has yet to decide whether it has jurisdiction. 但俄罗斯表明,将在法庭上为自己辩护。而海牙国际法院尚需决定对案件是否具有管辖权。
We have made our offer in absolutely clear terms, so the ball is now very much in your court. 我们已把我们提供的条件解释得相当清楚,现在该你们走下一步了。
Given the clear case for the health care law's constitutionality, it's distressing that many assume its fate will be decided by a partisan, closely divided Supreme Court. 就医改法案的合宪性问题,最后可能不得不基于最高法院法官的党派分歧而被决定&-这令作者感到沮丧。
Ms Ussher, though steering clear of the court cases, said at least one chief executive had raised the under-representation of women at the top of UK companies as something that needs to be addressed. 虽然没有谈及法庭案例,但厄谢尔指出,至少有一位首席执行官曾经提出,女性在英国公司高层代表名额不足是个需要解决的问题。
Where part of the facts involved in a case under hearing is clear, the people's court may make a judgment first on that part. 人民法院审理案件,其中一部分事实已经清楚,可以就该部分先行判决。
The abler speakers were obliged to play to the gallery, and take a sentimental and sensational line. The judge ordered to clear the court. 较能干的发言人就不得不对旁听席表演一番,而采取感情用事和煽动人心的做法。法官命令旁听者退席。
The judge ordered to clear the court. 法官命令旁听者退席。
Together with PG& E, Silkwood makes it clear that the Court's enthusiasm for preemption in the nuclear area has waned considerably since it affirmed Northern States Power in1972. 此案与“太平洋煤气电力公司”一案一起清楚地阐明,自从法院在1972年对“北方合众国电力公司”一案维持原判后,在核能地区先占权的热情已经相当低落。
He said, however, it was not clear from documents and representations presented to the court which were which. 不过他表示,仅从提交给法庭的文件和法庭上的陈述,并不能判断哪些人受到了何种处分。
Clear orchid at heart Luo Mao for a when, she memorized attending to Ye in the court to once say final night, too the madam has yet promised them distinct live, how have mishap anew? 明兰心头咯噔一下,她记得昨晚顾廷烨说过,太夫人已答应他们另住了,怎么又有变故?
However, the APA makes clear that the agency heads are not required to defer to the alj's factfinding in the same way that an appellate court must defer to the trial judge's factual determinations. 然而,《行政程序法》明确规定,不要求机关长官以和上诉法院必须遵从初审法官的事实决定的同样方式遵从行政法法官的事实认定。
The walkout was a clear violation of the court's mandate against a strike. 很显然,这次罢工违反了法院不许罢工的命令。
Not clear and not definite with the term and the scope of the court collecting proof actively according to the power; 对法院依职权主动收集证据的范围和条件规定的不明确;
With accuracy the norm releases the clear power system and adequacy, exercise to release the clear power reasonably, is an important contents to realizes civil case in court purpose. 正确地规范释明权制度并适当、合理地行使释明权,是实现民事诉讼目的的一个重要内容。
Make clear the court in charge of the case for hearing and set double time limits of invariant period and longest period for litigants to apply for rehearing. 明晰再审案件的管辖法院,并对当事人申请再审设定不变期间与最长期间的双重时限。
This is because there are no clear laws and regulations, after a dispute in the travel process is difficult to solve, even if the prosecution, the court only in accordance with general principles of civil law division of responsibilities. 这是由于没有明确的法律法规,出现纠纷后难以解决,即使起诉,法院也只能依照民法的一般原则来划分责任。
Volleyball athletics is a clear division of the position of the collective sports, different position a player in volleyball court of specific task division and skill and tactics. 竞技排球运动是有明确位置分工的集体运动项目,不同专位运动员在排球场上的具体分工和技、战术任务也有所区别。
First of all, the part gives an analysis of the concept of judge independence, makes its meaning clear through the comparison of the judicial independence, the court independence and judge independence, and points out the relativity of judge independence. 首先,笔者分析了法官独立的概念,对司法独立、法院独立、法官独立进行了比较,进一步明晰了法官独立的含义,并指出了法官独立的相对性。
Among them, perfect for the prosecution rules mainly include: expanding the scope of litigation in civil procedure, to expand the scope of subjects, clear complaint form and reducing the prosecution condition, weakening the case-filing jurisdiction court. 其中,对于起诉规则的完善主要包括:拓展民事诉讼的可诉范围、扩大起诉主体的范围、明确规定起诉状形式以及降低起诉条件,弱化法院的立案审查权限。
Make clear the basic requirements of management of civil hearing: a reasonable establishment of court system, smooth information, definite goals, cleat right and liability, perfect management system and a scientific management method. 要明确民事审判管理的基本要求,做到机构设置合理、信息畅通、目标明确、权责分明、管理制度完备和管理方法科学化。
Today, a clear analysis of the parties to gather evidence of imbalance in the rights and obligations of the parties to the other party or third party evidence of the difficulties, refused to produce witnesses to testify in court testimony or embarrassment. 清晰的分析出如今当事人收集证据的权利和义务不平衡,当事人向对方当事人或第三人取证困难,证人不肯出具证言或出庭作证的尴尬境地。
From now on, there is a a clear legal basis when the court is hearing related cases, and there is also one more systematical security for those who engage in the market. 从此,法院在审理相关案件的时候,有了明确的法律依据,市场主体在从事经济活动时也多了一项制度性保障。
At the physical limits, it is clear conditions the court has convicted of changing power and the scope of changing charges. 在实体限制中,明确法院有罪名变更权、法院变更罪名的条件和法院变更罪名的范围。
As a result of our country to the minor shareholders phenomenon as the lack of clear legal regulations, cause the company set up practice in confusion, but also led to the trial practice court be quite different. 由于我国对未成年人担任股东现象缺乏明确的法律规制,导致公司设立实务状况的混乱,亦导致了审判实践中法院判决的大相径庭。
By the analysis of the specific differences of open content, this article clear the exemptions and the right of judicial review of court, and establish the way of judicial relief, in order to protect citizens 'right to know effectively. 通过对公开内容具体差异性的分析,明确预算公开的免责事由及法院的司法审查权限,并确定具体的司法救济途径,从而切实保障公民预算知情权的实现。
Should be clear right to relief for the procedural rights of the main procedural decisions by the pre-trial court proceedings who is directly affected me, that is, suspects and victims, and should the right balance between relief to reflect the principle of equality. 应当明确救济权主体为诉讼权利受到审前程序性决定直接影响的诉讼参与人本人,即犯罪嫌疑人和被害人,同时应当平衡二者之间的救济权以体现平等原则。
The concentration of judicial power, the independent status of judges, a clear internal division of the Court and the progress in legal system were conducive to the trial and justice. 司法权高度集中,法官地位独立,法院内部分工明确以及律师制度的进步有利于案件的集中审理和司法公正。